What is Cyber Essentials and why is it important?

The Cyber Essentials Certification was introduced in 2014. This government-backed scheme helps businesses protect themselves against cyber threats. Cyber Essentials uses five technical controls that, if implemented and maintained correctly, will enable you to gain certification and show your customers that your company takes cyber security seriously. There are two levels of certification:

  • Cyber Essentials
  • Cyber Essentials Plus


What is the point of obtaining the certification?

It may seem pointless if you’ve never been the victim of a cyber attack. As technology advances, cyber attacks are becoming more common, and cyber threats are no longer a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’. With the certification, you will have a solid foundation for your cyber defences. The goal of cyber security is to keep your systems safe from the most common cyber threats rather than making them impossible to breach. If you implement Cyber Essentials correctly and maintain the five key controls, you will be protected from nearly eighty percent of cyber threats, a large number that should serve as a solid foundation for your cyber security.


There are certain government contracts that require it to bid

A Cyber Essentials certification is now required for bidding on several government contracts. In addition to Cyber Essentials, a bidding company must hold Cyber Essentials Plus certification for contracts that handle sensitive data. If you don’t have it, you’re already behind your competitors. Additionally, you’re removing yourself from contention for lucrative contracts that many businesses are eager to secure.


It can assist you in complying with GDPR

According to GDPR’s security principle, personal data must be ‘Processed in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing, and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures’. A Cyber Essentials certification shows that your systems are secure to the standards required by this regulation.


This is a long-term investment that pays off

The long-term financial benefits of certification go beyond the contracts we discussed earlier. Your organisation can benefit from ‘Cyber liability insurance’, which covers £25,000 against cyber attacks. If your business has a turnover over £20 million, you will not be eligible, but you might be able to get lower insurance rates.

A cyber-attack can cost a lot of money.  By implementing Cyber Essentials, you can reduce the likelihood of a security breach causing downtime, as well as attract new customers and boost your business’s reputation. Considering the many benefits available for a relatively low annual fee, it is a no-brainer for many.


Ensure you are secure with Genmar

Almost 50% of businesses reported an attack or breach during 2020. Therefore it is critical that organisations take cyber security seriously and invest in advanced measures that extend well beyond traditional perimeter defences.

We can guide you through the process from start to finish, reviewing your current IT security environment, recommending any changes, assisting with completion of Cyber Essentials documentation, and implement any changes required. Contact us today to find out more.

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